Mayan calendar

Some years ago I became interested in the Mayan Calendar. Everything was very clear according to most of the people who were reporting about it, and that was the end of the world. For my part I wasn’t satisfied I thought I had to get as much information as I could to understand what they had really meant.

I started by going to Guatemala, visiting the different places and talking to people who had sensible information about the Mayan culture. I was very lucky to find such persons. I also read books and started investigating the whole story. I didn’t understand much. I let it for a while but it didn’t leave me in peace so some two years later I went to Guatemala for the second time and started reading the books again and it was as if I was drinking water. Everything was clear and it became quite interesting. What I didn’t understand was why everybody including archeologists never told the truth about it. I watched all the films connected with the Mayas, all of them said the same thing and suddenly when the moment was approaching the opinion leaders started saying that it wasn’t really that the world was going to be destroyed but that the Mayas had written that the quality of the energy on Earth would change giving way to a transition to another dimension. I don’t know if the situation before had been produced intentionally or accidentally but it is difficult to believe that people who have been dealing with it for such a long time didn’t come up with the truth before. Very often I wonder if this kind of people likes to spread fear among the population because of their sadistic tendencies or is it that they don’t think of the consequences and announce things they don’t understand.
At any rate, as I read the books I started realizing that the Mayas saw the whole universe driven by a fantastic energy that was so organized and perfect that it was divine. Of course divine is not a word for scientists but what can you call something which is so synchronized and well organized?calendar
The Mayas thought that this divine energy permeats the universe and gives a certain quality that allows things to happen. Funny enough many kinds of waves have been discovered in the last decades. Our brain has been researched and the conclusion was that the Herz we produced in the different states the mind goes through as for example when we sleep we produce delta waves which have a frequency of 1-4 Herz, or, when we arein full concentration we produce beta waves, which have a frequency of 13-40 Herz. For the daily activities our brain can oscillate between 8-13 Herz producing alpha waves. The strange thing is that the Earth produces these frequencies too. For example the frequency in the core is of up to 40 Herz, on the surface of the Earth is 7.5 Herz and in the inner Van Allen Belt 4 Herz.
On the other hand it is almost certain that the temperature of the core of the Earth is the same as the temperature on the surface of the sun. This could be interpreted as a structural system that is meant to receive the energy existing in the universe and be sent to the human beings to allow them to become aware, that is, to develop their concsciousness.
Unfortunately consciousness is not something we get when we order it. Consciousness is something we have to work hard for and in our planet people very often come to awareness after going through hardships. Who hasn’t learnt by suffering? In the end it seems that we have been programmed to become conscious. How do we come to understand that we have to know ourselves first in order to know how to deal with the rest. How do I know what respect is if I don’t respect myself? How can I expect that others behave responsibly if I try to fool other people, or avoid doing things that I should?